Today’s Drifting Thoughts: Noticing The Unnoticeable
Just got bored out of my mind, I just dig through the para videos that I have downloaded for the past two years and just played them through. And just for the fun of it, I only popped in the original choreographies into my play list and see it running.
And it really enjoyable to just watching them :). And somehow it’s really amusing when I’m starting to noticing things. The first thing that came to mind is like… Was that really me/Ahmed/Phil/Vicky/whoever in that video? It’s not just that we look different, the way that we danced is also different in many ways. It’s really kind of amusing to see everyone changing over time: the way we dress, the way we dance, how we choreographed our dances, the favourite places to film our videos… it’s like all these small little details that I didn’t seem to notice in the past just become more and more noticeable while my collection grows.
In a way, it’s seems like an experience of knowing a person better, through the times when I’m collecting these videos, I post comments, chat with these people, learning these routines myself… think about it, it’s really like an indirect communication process. And looking at the past and present, I’m like… wow! How much we have grown up :). As much as we are miles apart: living totally different lives in totally different environment, the time we spent together in a totally abstract dimension (i.e. the Internet) seems to become a part of our own lives, influencing us for the better or worse. This also applies to the people whom I know from every other online community I joined.
Coming back, just when I thought I knew somebody so well, there’s always something that remind me that I actually didn’t know as much about that person. Take those fan-made para videos I have watched for example, it just seems that all the little things that I didn’t notice just seem to capture my attention. Take Phil for example, it’s like in every video he took in his room (I believe) I always notice some stuff which is stuck or hung on the wall, which includes two which seems to me like promotional wall-scrolls for a game and a picture/drawing of very cute sun. The wall-scroll could possibly explain that he likes the games, but what about the cute sun? 😊 Is there anything special about it? Is there a story behind it?
Or maybe Ahmed, who always seems to film his videos in a place which looks like a dining room. It just seems to be pretty grand in a way, with the chandelier, linen curtains, wooden cupboard and some really special looking chairs. That just made me wonder what kind of background does Ahmed had based on these furniture. Are those furniture is of his parents’ fancy? Or is it given by someone else? Or does it have to do with family tradition? (although the first thing I notice is the linen backdrop, which I would never see in my house as my mom would have find them a nuisance to maintain :p) Or probably Vicky, as her earlier videos filmed indoors seems to be a little dark with a wall of a reddish hue? And in another scene, where there’s a tiny room (or probably is it only part of a big room which looks small because of the crowded furniture around?) with a bookshelf and a lamp that she always seems to hit accidentally (XDDD).
Then it just dawned on me that “why didn’t I thought of asking earlier?”, but honestly speaking, those little detail just seem so… trivial, in a way. It’s like, what’s the point of asking those nitty-gritty stuff which constitute nothing but information which will be forgotten sooner than we can remember? But then again, all of a sudden, this kind of curiosity just came to knock on my door as I notice that these nitty-gritty stuff isn’t as unimportant as it seems to be, because all these small little detail makes up part of our identity: These tiny little details are able to tell how you are brought up, the influence which moulds your thoughts and ideas, the current situation and relationship with your family or the people around you…
Just typing up to here, I’m really wondering whether is it that I’m interested to understand my friends better or I’m just plain bored :p. I believe both reasons are pretty interconnected in a way.
Perhaps that why I still read my LJ friends’ page while keeping up with my LJ pretty constantly: when I am trying to fill up my spare time, I’m trying to know you better at the same time. As much a online journal serves as much as to serve your viewpoints, thoughts and perception towards the things around you, which is only one side of the whole story, but it also serves as an extra communication channel where people are able to communicate personally.
I guess I might as well stop my wandering thoughts here. Need to catch some sleep now ;).