The Realest Beginning

Seh Hui Leong


Well… just thought of sharing this because I really like this one :). It was originally posted in Chinese by time_traveller, and I liked it :). So I just did a translation and just would love to share with you :). The translation may be a little bit off at some point, but I tried my best.

Hope you like it! 😄

最真的开始! by time_traveller







他真地离开了我吗?彻彻底底的从我生命中离开了吗?如果是,为什么每当想起他时,我的心总有阵阵想哭的感觉 呢?



Translation: The Realest Beginning1

Translated by Seh Hui “Felix” Leong 2005

How many people one can love in his/her life?
How many times one can be loved in his/her life?
Do you still remember how your first love looks like?
Do you still remember how many silly things you have done for him/her?
Do you still remember how you celebrate your first Valentine’s?
Do you still remember in what situation you hold his/her hand for the first time?

When you think about this, are you smiling?
Are you smiling of your silliness? Or are you smiling of your past? What we are smiling for?
This smile is so sweet, yet so bitter, that it makes us want to cry? Isn’t it?

Everytime when you think of this person, your heart always feel the slight pains?
Everytime when you think of this person, your hearts always feel the slight sweetness!

Still remember the first time you notice the feeling of first-love-ache in your heart?

I think I’m in love, it feels so aching, yet I still want to feel that aching…”

Have your first love left you?
Why did he/she left you?
Do you still miss him/her?
Do you still able to see him/her again?
Are you still in contact?

Does the person next to you now have all the love you have?
Or you still silently keep a place in your heart for the person who have already leave you?

Did he/she really left me? Really left from my life completely? If so, why always when I think of him/her, my heart always have that sorrow tingling in me?

The sweetness of love, the bitter of love, the real feeling of everything in love, the beginning of love, is what he/she gave to me.
I realize that I never let him/her leave my own life
Although now my love is already with somebody else
Although I haven’t seen him/her for a long time
I still never forget his/her face, his/her smile, his/her birthday, his/her everything.

He/she is my realest beginning.

  1. Since I’m not sure what gender the author is targetting, so I tried to put it in a him/her way :) 

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
