I Was So Not Expecting This

Seh Hui Leong


[:: List of Unexpected Stuff ::]

  1. 'Parapara Purchase'

    For one thing, it’s stated in Club Japan that it will be sent through air mail, but apparently it came through EMS instead. O_O Uhhh… Ah well… they haven’t charged my debit card yet so I’m not completely sure how much that would have cost me. But probably around… say, 7200 yen? crosses fingers that they’ll charge me when the currency exchange isn’t so high.

    But yay for me completing my PPP soundtrack collection ^^b.

2: Cut’d so that it won’t spoil the mood of others.

OK… I'M DARN FREAKING OUT!!!! One midterm **early in the morning** tommorrow. GAH! Judging my sleeping habits I must find SOME WAY to get myself to wake up before 8. And the worst thing? I haven't got the full set of notes to study *kills myself!* And the site where I can download these notes are currently too busy since there're much more students who do last minute work just as I do.

What else… Final year project thesis draft is due next week and I HAVEN'T even completed a WORKABLE system. I'm better than dead for my VR assignment (read: NO PROGRESS AT ALL!)

Great… This is NOT the first time I ever feel like being dead because of stress.

>.<" ARGH!!!! *yell my lungs out*
Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
