Mystery In Love
Originally this should be a drifting thought post, however all of a sudden while I’m typing it through… the feelings seems to slip away from me. Maybe my own questions are answered? Shrugs I would never know…
[:: Retained Drifting Thoughts: Opening ::]
A constant sky blue thought has been in me… for the past few days… Clouds have been passing through this sky blue atmosphere in my heart, and curious I was to know what’s behind them, I have been constantly looking at them with patience, looking through every single detail of the clouds while I’m hoping that the sky will clear up.
And on the brief moment today that all of a sudden that… there’s no more clouds, just a clear view of the sky blue of my own feelings… Somewhat it wasn’t the way as I imagined it to be…
[:: Continued with Words That Are Lost In Space ::]
All I can say now is that… I’m just grateful to be destined to meet two perfect people in the world, or at least the most perfect people in my own eyes.
Honestly up until now, I’m still pretty confused myself… since I have been reading mixed signals: from myself and from others. Well… A firm decision has to be made (I think), and I believed that I really need the time to be single for now. There’s just… a lot of… garbage accumulated in the past that I would want to take out. I really need the time to discover a lot of things myself: to sort out my own priorities, understand myself better… and to know what I really wanted in life.
For I know, dumping others with my own garbage will only bring more garbage in the end.
… For some reasons, I just laugh at the sentence above though. It just seems to me like irony for some reasons that I don’t know. But… I guess the word love, in general terms, is just full of mysteries. And mysteries aren’t supposed to be solved, for those which can be solved should be call uncharted territories to be discovered.
On a lighter note, I finally found a way to convert my protected WMAs into MP3s. It was tedious work, however at least I’m able to load them into my iPod now :3. Oh joy! Somewhat it seems that I did lost some dimensions of the song during conversion, I wonder is it the fact that there’re slight volume differences between the original WMA and the converted MP3 (with the MP3 having a slightly lower volume than the original). Hmmm…
And for some reasons… Nuage can’t seem to get out from my head. ARRRGGHHH~~~!!! I can’t believe that the song from a murderer1 would sink in me!!!
Well, there! 😊
For those who didn’t really get the joke, Nuage “murdered” Karen’s original Nothing’s Gonna Take My Love from You. ↩