Is Knowledge A Burden? Or Is It Ignorance That Kills?

Seh Hui Leong


Sometimes taking some time to leave my mind blank to piece up some of my thought fragments just made me wonder quite a lot. It just seems to me that there’s always things… which seems to come and go… and revisit again for a while. It seems that when you thought when you got hold of it, it suddenly slips away from you.

For now, it seems that all the things which happens to me just seemed to dissolve away… something. I don’t know what is being dissolved, yet I know it exists. Strange, huh? I just can’t seem to comprehend all these abstract thoughts… Some times I just can’t stop but wonder what do we call as knowledge, and what do we call as wisdom?

Currently I’m trying… trying to be aware… just being aware. There’s just a lot of things that I would need to learn throughout my own journey…

Maybe it just came to me that I notice the other side of Rachael, I suppose? Well… who knows… 😛

Anyway, just had dinner with Erika, Soo Hoo, Rachael and Steven just now. It’s always fun being with them :). That’s pretty much all I had to say.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
