When Dealing With People Can Be A Total Headache

Seh Hui Leong


Nothing much happened today, except that for some reasons I having some sort of headache (the physical kind).

Anyway, I’m starting to face some of the realities with dealing with people, especially the boss >.>. In general Alfred is a good person, but sometimes he does somewhat irks me… well, guess nobody’s perfect :p. Not to mention I do need to have my communication skills polished up a bit. But my colleagues are great, as much as we don’t talk much, they have been pretty friendly to me.

And second thing is that… it’s the eGenting programming competition again! I just came down from there, and boy the questions are getting tougher! I fare pretty badly this year (again), but at least this time round I can make sense of what the question requires. So that’s an improvement on my side :). Hopefully I can do better next year ^^v.

Anyway, speaking of headaches… maybe I’m just trying to piece puzzles by force lately (i.e. thinking too much)… there’s just a lot of things that I can’t seem to sort out for the time being. Ah well, guess the middle part of the beginning is going to be slightly challenging, I suppose?

OK, that’s about it. Oh yeah, out of the headache-inducing events these few days, it’s great to have Choon Hui in friendly terms again, hope it keeps that way (if not better, as in the definition of friends ^^).

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
