Rain Rain Go Away…
Hmm… just the typical rainy day. Nothing much happened honestly except my sluggishness.
Been reading a bit of Tarot in the Spirit of Zen, it’s been quite a while since I last read any self-help books (like… months ago?). And thus far it’s really interesting, as well as giving some time for my brain cells to jog a bit, to reflect on my own past, present and state of mind. Somewhat it’s a really wonderful experience when you just notice how much clearer you can think when you start to let go of your ego.
There’s some things in the book which seems a bit radical for me, but just to pull a quote from the book itself
“Keep what I am saying to you. Make a jeweled box for it. Don’t take it as wisdom but only as information. Consciously make a box for it. Then gradually you will find, as experience begin happening, that my words arise from your unconscious, and make clear and comprehensible the experience that happen.”
(extracted from pg. 39, from the chapter XVI. Thunderbold (The Tower in your typical Rider-Waite deck))
Okay… but that highlighted sentence seems to strike me somehow, for some unknown reasons.
Guess that’s pretty much for today :).