Of War and Peace

Seh Hui Leong



Studying for exams are always tiring, it’s a good thing to have your eyes wandering somewhere else when you notice the words are starting to dance in front of your eyes.”

I’m SOOO random on Monday XD.

OK, longer story: Went to the library, saw Erika and Rachael, then we just joke around while we are doing our revision. The joke’s on me today because Erika kept poking fun of me for Rachael’s “Most Handsome Guy” vote on our university’s message forum. And I don’t really know whether I would say that I’m flattered or embarrassed XD.

Later on, I notice that I do have some coupons for free quarter chicken at Nando’s, and all of a sudden we just decide on the spot to go to Mid Valley to have dinner there. It was so random that when we tried to ask a few more friends out, they are like “Huh?! Are you REALLY serious?! o_o||” XD. Of course it ends up having only us going in the end. 😛 We really had fun there, and just to cut the story short:

(Note: all written dialogues are made up XD)

'The girls'

(from left) Rachael and Erika

'Get that away!'

(After taking the photograph) Rachael: “Get that chicken AWAY FROM ME!!”

'I got it!'

Felix: “I got it! I got it”


Erika: “Felix! Give it to me! stabs! Die! Chicken! DIE!!!”

(Outside Nando’s)

'Happy trio'

'Rachael and I'

'Erika and I'

'Rachael and Erika'

'Bad hair'

Obviously someone is having a bad hair day yet kept his smile in front of the camera for the sake of it :p.


'LOVEppears cover'

As a sidenote, I’m the lucky owner of this CD <3! W00t!

Those girls are really sweet <=3. Nice to have them as friends.

Yesterday is definitely a slow day… and I really missed Choon Hui dearly <=(. Well… Then despite being busy, I just wrote something just to keep myself from over-dwelling with that feeling. Other than that it’s just hitting the books and trying to make any sense of cryptography. Ugh…

And today is just plain exciting in a way, since I got to be with Choon Hui for almost the whole day <3. Anyway, basically we just came to have some discussion with Dr Tay regarding the final year project supervisor issue. I don’t really know, it seems that Choon Hui is much more friendlier today, which is really sweet of him (as much I believe it was on friendly terms and nothing more). I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, I guess.

Guess I’ll stop here for now, it’s pretty late >.>. Anyway, as a side note, Chinese Shan Dong food is pretty nice <3.

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
