Feeling Blue

Seh Hui Leong


Yesterday is the best time I had for quite a while: it’s the first time I ever have the longest time I had with him alone, strolling around the campus… Actually we are walking around the new campus to plan out the campus for the freshmen who is coming next January.

But even though it is work related… I’m just… happy… I can’t really find a word better than that.

However… when I reach back home, all of a sudden… I just feel like my heart is completely painted in blue. All of a sudden, something just suddenly loom upon me, with myself being engulfed by my own greedy desires.

Missing someone is a good thing… but coupled with really strong and greedy desires is something really bad.

… Maybe I’m missing something in life.

Today I’m pretty much in strong hues to blue. I picked my outfit pretty much unconsciously: a navy blue shirt with white collars with a pair of dark blue jeans… somewhat the reflection of the mirror seems to show myself with some sort of a mysterious aura… seemingly to look to be like someone who is like the deep seas (don’t ask me to elaborate on that… I’m just out of words).

Anyway… the desire is pretty much faded by now… just that… I really don’t know how to describe that feeling. Maybe I’m just ashamed by that desire… I suppose?

On a unrelated note, checking on the mailbox… my CDs haven’t reach here yet. That really made the blue even darker…

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
