Update on My Presentation

Seh Hui Leong


Just three words: The marks sucks (14/50 for our functionality part) >.<”, and it’s an all time low out of all my assignment marks. dies!

But at least the presentation went well. (as if it were any consolation)

— advertisement period —

[::Shameless Request::]

To all PPStagers, I need someone to edit my new videos (got three original choreographs here in my cam), and I need a place to host them up. 😸

(p/s: Would appreciate if I’m able to transfer the files through email because our school Internet has blocked all IMs, and web-based IM is crippled)

— end of advertisement —

Last but not least, this afternoon I just feel totally… blank (if that’s a good word). I don’t know how should I put it… it just that, there just too many opportunities rushing to Choon Hui lately (well, he’s has been the only one in the President’s list for two consecutive semesters). I don’t know… I’m fully aware that there’s a high possibility that we are going to go separate ways in the end (as in physically than anything else), but I just… can’t help but feeling a little bit lonely without him. Well, it’s a relief that overhearing his conversation (sorry, I’m bad -_-“) that things are going my way for the time being, but I still can’t help but having that blank look (somber would be a better term, but I really didn’t sense any negative emotions running through me) written on my face.

Oh darn I feel so like a loser now… ;-;

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
