Today’s Drifting Thoughts: About Journals
It’s about two months since I have started with LiveJournal and I have been constantly updating it, marking down the thoughts and events that I experienced during that point of time.
But what keeps me pondering isn’t my posts in the past, but the Friends feature provided by LJ. For some reasons, I have been reading my friends page pretty much religiously after I had finished with my posting for the day. Then it’s back in my thinking mode: why am I reading all this while my time can be better spent in doing something else? So I started to read the friends page really carefully this time, and I notice that most post are pretty much describes about what everyone’s doing in their daily life. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s much like life at its work.
Contrasting that with my own journal, my journal entries is pretty much self-centric: about what happened to me at the time of writing, what am I thinking or feeling, or perhaps some occasional quiz results that I got. And I did notice that I didn’t really refer much about anyone apart from a few short appearance of a few “supporting characters” to go by with the current event (Compared to others in my friends’ page). And I’m like: “Woa~ what have been everyone been reading lately (with reference with my journal)? ^_^|| “
Hmm… I not saying that it’s bad or anything, looking the fact that I labelled my journal as “In Hues of Blue” and my friends’ page as “In Paradise of Pastels” (the reason why I put that title is that I used mostly pastel colours for the background of headings). But I put the titles pretty much literally and I never knew that I created a contrast indirectly. It’s like while my journal is peaceful or sombre (or perhaps lonely at times), the friends is much more chirpier and lively (some are even crazy, but they are mostly friends-only 😊 ). Perhaps the sense of harmony is what I liked about my journal.
Hmm… Or maybe I should have a life instead. 😊
[::Random Stuff::]
If you notice my current music, that is done by DJeu (PPStage) :)! Thanks for the cool mix! ❤