Day of Firsts

Seh Hui Leong


It’s always a beginning of everything, and this marks a special one because it’s the first time I ever started a journal in the first place :).

Anyway, besides being the first time I had a journal, today’s also the first day of my new semester. It does sounds like a good thing and a bad thing, since I have been having a long break before this (about 4-5 months, to be exact). The bad thing is that I really have to readapt and shift up all my gears to make sure that I get rid of that holiday-mood laziness. As much as I have been reading and doing a lot quite a while during my break, studying for leisure and studying when your CGPA is on the line is totally different. Trust me, there’s no way from fun :(. (especially if you have two maths and one history subject during the course…)

On the other hand, it’s pretty refreshing to see new students coming in for their new life in university. The campus is decorated with coloured posters welcoming their arrival and the usual orientation stuff. As much as I’m not all excited about these activities (in fact I personally think that some of them are really lame), I feel happy for those freshies and hope they would have a good time here.

As for myself, a new semester always means new challenges to me. As much my classes today are really wearing me out, I’m sure that I’m able to pick up quickly, sensing that there a form of positive energy and excitement flowing inside me. Looks like it’s always good to have something to look forward to.

As for now, I guess I have to start working now as well as trying to balance out between it and my favourite hobbies. 😊

Written by

Seh Hui Leong

Python programmer by trade, interested in a broad range of creative fields: illustrating, game design, writing, choreography and most recently building physical things. Described by a friend as a modern renaissance man.
